Christopher Michael Howard  when in trouble (or in the presence of Hardy Wilson).

Dad at home in San Francisco.

Howie when in Tennessee or New Mexico.

Chris everywhere else.



A) Abstract landscapes and modern street photography.  

B) Translating human condition into pictorial form that elicits, for both subject and photographer, connection.  That is, the portrait.

C) Events.  Candids, details.  You probably won't notice I'm there.  "Like a navy seal with a camera."

Secretly Capturing (aka future gallery shows or books)

- Bored women at society events next to alpha males and tech bros yammering on.  

- Slivers/chunks/lines/wisps of hard light

- People or things adjacent to neon signs

- Chemex coffee filters, used, unfolded

- Statements in grafitti

- Ambiguous signs

- The post-industrial landscape

Paid Work

- NY Times

- SF Chronicle

- San Francisco Symphony

- Dom Perignon 

- Stanford University

- Google

- Apple

- North Face

- Genentech

- Wells Fargo

- Others


Contact: Text inquiries to 646-287-3628.  There's also a box to the right you can type in, but I might not see it for several days. 

©2024 C.M. HOWARD
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